aAmid intense scrutiny over who let off Warren Anderson, a former key aide of Rajiv Gandhi Arun Nehru on Saturday said there was little scope for speculation as the then Madhya Pradesh CM Arjun Singh had owned up to the decision as detaining the Union Carbide CEO could lead to a law and order situation.
“Where is the doubt when Arjun Singh had said in Bhopal that he had released Anderson,” Nehru told TOI even though he added that it did not seem likely that the late Rajiv Gandhi — who was then PM — was not in the loop. He slammed Congress for being in denial on this count.
Nehru said it was not possible that Rajiv Gandhi did not know about what was unfolding in Bhopal as every movement related to gas tragedy — from the arrival of Anderson to his arrest and release — must have been reported to him.
A key aide of Rajiv Gandhi till he fell out with Gandhi in late 80s, Nehru said it was unfair to compare the circumstances of decision-making in 1984 with those of 2010. “Whatever done must have been in national interest,” he said.
As he tried to “get into the mind of decision-makers” and even go by their judgement, Nehru slammed Congress waffling rooted in apprehensions over owning up the decisions taken at that time. “This will only compound its problems. They should speak the truth,” he said. The thrust of Nehru’s argument was that even if the MP CM took the decision, Congress brass cannot disown it. After all, if releasing Anderson was such a terrible error, he could have been stopped in Delhi after leaving Bhopal.
Nehru said he was busy campaigning for Lok Sabha elections and did not have the facts about Anderson’s release. But he said India was considered a risky destination for foreign investment and the fallout of Anderson’s detention may have swayed the rulers. “In 1981, when I was given charge of launching Maruti, we wrote to every possible Embassy and consulate for investment but we were told putting five million dollars in India was risky proposition. It was only after we started negotiating with the Suzuki that charge d’affaires of two countries started pursuing us,” he said adding, “Getting money was a difficult task.”
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